Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fun and Games for All....?

Something that I have recognized and come familiar with here in Spain is the openness with which people conduct themselves in terms of PDA (public displays of affection). I think this is one of the things that helps characterize the Spanish population's passions for life. But when I was just thinking that my awareness of this cultural characteristic was beginning to fade and become semi-normal for me, I saw this couple as I was leaving the beach and was shocked! This was and still is the most intense act of affection I have seen during my time here in Alicante. I understand that this is part of the Spanish culture, but I wonder if even some local Spaniards would think this was taking it a little too far. In both pictures, if you look to the right you will see a tiny, innocent little boy playing on the beach with his mother. I laughed to myself slightly after I took the picture at how ironic it was to have something as innocent as a precious child playing, sitting right next to two people engaging in a way that was really not so innocent.

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